About E.A.2017-02-09T17:03:56-05:00

About E.A. Gray

The Man Behind The Little Blue Sign

I am twenty-nine years young and I’m the Owner of EASG Graphics & Web Design where we Specialize in Logo, Graphic, Web & App Design. You probably found this website searching online or maybe I told you to come here and read my story so you could learn more about me. I help the everyday person, people like you and I, to build a sizable residual income working full-time or part-time with your own home based business.

Besides traveling the world, I feel passionate about helping others, spending time with my family, Athletics, and Technology. Through this amazing concept I’ve found a way to check off bucket list items as well as fulfilling my dreams and want to share that freedom with everyone, let’s get started!

My Bucket List

“It’s better to look back on life and say I can’t believe I did that than to look back and say I wish I did that.”

Anonymous • Quote of the Day
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
— Wayne Dyer
“Take pride in how far you’ve come and have faith in how far you can go.”
Anonymous • Quote of the Day

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

— Mahatma Gandhi

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

— Nelson Mandela

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe; the mind can achieve.”

— Dr. Napoleon Hill

Building up my bridge now for others to follow the path I created.

I can and I will. Watch Me.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

E.A. Gray’s Story

From Retail to Residuals

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Student-Athlete with a B.F.A. in
Graphic Design

I am twenty-nine years young and I’m the Owner of EASG Graphics where we Specialize in Graphic Design, Logo Design, & Web Design. You probably found this website online or maybe I told you to come here and read my story so you could learn more about me and how I help people like you, build a sizable residual income while working from home full-time or part-time with your own home based business.

Besides traveling the world, I feel passionate about helping others, health, and fitness. Through this amazing concept I’ve found a way to check off bucket list items as well as fulfilling my dreams and want to share that freedom with everyone, let’s go explore the world!

Breaking Through The Glass Cube

Apple | Family Room Specialist

I am twenty-nine years young and I’m the Owner of EASG Graphics where we Specialize in Graphic Design, Logo Design, & Web Design. You probably found this website online or maybe I told you to come here and read my story so you could learn more about me and how I help people like you, build a sizable residual income while working from home full-time or part-time with your own home based business.

Besides traveling the world, I feel passionate about helping others, health, and fitness. Through this amazing concept I’ve found a way to check off bucket list items as well as fulfilling my dreams and want to share that freedom with everyone, let’s go explore the world!

Living Completely

Through My Eyes

Happy Fourth of July!

"In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party 2016

Tampa, FL - The 2016 Residual Earners Christmas Party far surpassed the great expectations made from the previous years (probably because we have so much to celebrate)! Thank

34th Vacation

On the road again... Heading to meet up with a couple hundred our friends in Destin, Florida for the weekend. #AnotherVacay #EarnedVacation #TravelMoreWithUs #RoadTrip #ChillinWorldWide #EASG #EASGWorldWide #MorgensternWorldWide

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